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监狱举办服饰秀 A fashion show held at prison
采茶时节到!Time for picking tea leaves
翡翠“盛宴” The banquet made from jade!
暖心交警护送老人过马路 Thumbs-up to the police officers!
13000条扬子鳄迎“搬家季”Over 13,000 Yangtze alligators have woken up
武汉警方启用"无人机反制枪" Wuhan police to be armed with "drone guns"
探访恐龙之乡 Boom times for dinosaur model making industry
"灯痴"老人收藏数百盏古灯 A man has collected nearly 1000 ancient lamps
外卖哥扶梯上扔饭救娃 Hero delivery man saves baby from escalator
中国的伦敦桥 Tower Bridge in China
这些动物怎么了?What happened to these animals?
走进民间杂技之乡 A peek inside the "folk acrobatics training town"
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