EP108 工作狂 Workaholic

Lu Chang China Plus Published: 2018-06-22 17:46:27
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EP108 工作狂 Workaholic

EP108 工作狂 Workaholic

Chinese 101: Talk about a person who is a “workaholic”

Language Tips:Are you a workholic?

Story of the Day:Be scrupulous about every detai一丝不苟 



xiàn zài dōu jǐ diǎn le ?nǐ zěn me hái méi xià bān ?

What time is it already? Why are you still working?


wǒ yī dào wǎn shàng jiù jīng shén !xiào lǜ bǐ bái tiān hái gāo !

I feel very energetic when night begins! I have higher efficiency than daytime!


nǐ zhēn shì gè gōng zuò kuáng !

You are really a workaholic!

Words & Expressions:

【现在】xiàn zài: now

【几点】jǐ diǎn: what time

【下班】xià bān: get off work

【晚上】wǎn shàng: night, evening

【精神】jīng shén: spirit, enegetic

【效率】xiào lǜ: efficient, efficiency

【比】bǐ: compare

【白天】bái tiān: daytime

【高】gāo: high

【工作狂】gōng zuò kuáng:workaholic

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EP108 工作狂 Workaholic

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