Since 1962, local repairman has been fixing things for free

China Plus Published: 2018-12-19 12:10:54
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Mr. Sun is a 70-year-old citizen in Hangzhou, China. He has been helping his neighbors repair stuff since he was a student in 1962. After some years, he bought a basement and made it a repairing studio. Sun never charged people for his work, instead, he used his money to buy gears for repairing. Sun said he is "addicted" to repairing and feels really satisfied when the items were fixed. From the beginning, most items he repaired were socks and slippers, but as time passed, the life of people became better and items Sun fixed became more advanced and more expensive. In recent years, most items he fixes are fans, electric rice cookers and cellphones. [Photo: VCG]

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