Eating at the same time each day ‘could help fight Dementia’

China Plus Published: 2018-01-08 16:44:35
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[Photo: from VCG]

[Photo: from VCG]

Dementia/ Alzheimer's is a condition that currently affects an estimated 47 million people around the world. The World Health Organisation projects foresee that the number could increase to 75 million by 2030.

But new research suggests that eating at the same time every day could fight the signs and symptoms of the condition.

The study, carried out by researchers from The University of California, LA, found regular meals improved brain power and sleep quality in mice with Huntington's disease - and they believe it will also apply to humans.

Huntington's disease is a form of dementia which damages certain nerve cells in the brain.

There is no cure for dementia at present, but this new research has found that eating at the same time every day could help combat neurodegenerative diseases.

Signs and symptoms include memory loss, thinking speed, mental sharpness and quickness and difficulties in carrying out daily activities. 

[The audio clip is from Studio+, produced by CRI] 

(News source: The Independent)

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