Movie review: Annihilation
[Photo: from IC]
The movie "Annihilation" so far has got only $32 million box offices in the U.S. market, an unimpressive number considering its $40 million production fee.
In the Chinese market, the movie is rated as 7.3 on Douban Movie review and achieved 66 million yuan ($11 million) box offices, according to the website China Box Office.
In fact, this movie is produced based on the Nebula Award Winner "Annihilation," and many have praised the fabulous visual and sound effect of the movie. But why does its box office appear less than satisfactory?
Today, we will still have our friend and film critic, Miss Geng Ling, CEO of China Film Assist, join us online to talk about this movie.
Geng Ling, CEO of China Film Assist [Photo:courtesy of Geng Ling]
[The audio clip is from Studio+, produced by CRI]